On the 3rd of May, the Floreat Surf club was decorated with pink and gold balloons, shiny confetti paper…… The aroma of delicious Indian food was wafting in from the balcony overlooking the ocean. Adding to all this was the beautiful pink and purple hues of the sky at sunset. It seemed that even Nature was setting up and announcing the very first AIMA Ladies night!
The guests started arriving sharp at 6:30 PM dressed as per the theme of the event- BLING. A total of 75 ladies ready to party and have fun. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all with games, great food catered by Fusion 6, and lots of door prizes. The Bollywood quiz conceived and conducted by quizmaster Chinar Goel was keenly contested by one and all. There was only one winning team and the quizmaster’s decision was final!!
The entertainment was well liked in the form of Ishara dance troupe of young medical and uni students performing a Bollywood dance to a medley of songs, beautiful song performances by our own members- Usha Arunachalam and Arti Fayers.
It was a great evening of networking, catching up with old buddies, meeting new friends and generally having a chilled evening.
The highlight was the DJ, the dance floor was alive after 9:30- it was wonderful to watch the usually introvert ladies come and shake a leg on the dance floor. This evening that started as an inaugural event was so well liked that a lot of ladies have expressed strongly that this should become part of the AIMA annual calendar.
Well done to the organizing committee.